PLAY! POP! GO! incorporates VRF on Ethereum mainnet – CryptoNewsTo

PLAY! POP! GO! incorporates VRF on Ethereum mainnet

PLAY! POP! GO! has been built by Amber Park, a visual artist. It is a direct-to-consumer art, fashion, and lifestyle omniverse. The entity is overjoyed to announce that it has successfully integrated Chainlink Verifiable Random Function (VRF) on the Ethereum mainnet.

Once the entity’s fundamental role is recognized, it becomes an incredibly significant action. Community members can mint an individualistic NFT from the entity’s genesis collection when they get a free mint pass. Using Chainlink’s top-of-the-line decentralized oracle network, the transparency of each NFT’s characteristics may be guaranteed. This serves to level the playing field for all involved parties.

PLAY! POP! GO!, as an entity, is an innovative fashion and lifestyle project that has been built with the intention of linking the arena of exclusive streetwear to Web3. The entity is notable for its involvement in creating exclusive and genderless streetwear that can be worn in real life and in the metaverse. The idea is to use NFT technology while gamifying direct-to-consumer exposure to create a vibrant virtual ecosystem.

As far as Amber Park, the project’s developer, is concerned, she is a Korean American. Her objective is the improvement and general elevation of marginalized communities. She is currently stationed in Los Angeles. Her associations include Katy Perry, Camila Cabello, and many others. She has also produced content for Apple Music, Vevo, and Vogue. Her designs and creations are in high demand among her extensive clientele.

Regarding the incorporation of VRF, a great deal of deliberation and consideration went into its implementation. They have now zeroed in on the Chainlink VRF, which is based on absolute new-age academic research and is supported by an efficient Oracle network. Moreover, it is protected by the on-chain authentication of cryptographic proofs, which guarantees the veracity of every random number provided to smart contracts.

The functions of the Chainlink VRF depend upon the bringing together of block data that is not known when the requirement is received with the oracle node’s pre-committed private key for the generation of a random number as well as a cryptographic proof. This brings about complete transparency. This factor is a highly integral part of the requirement for PLAY! POP! GO! Genesis collection, as its avatars, will be able to benefit from the future incorporation of physical merchandise as well as collectibles.

According to the opinion of Amber Park, the idea behind introducing exclusive fashion to the metaverse is so that consumers will be in the position to air their personal views both IRL and online. In the case of issuing NFT traits with the Chainlink VRF as proof of randomness, the entire process related to the project will become absolutely fair and transparent.

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One thought on “PLAY! POP! GO! incorporates VRF on Ethereum mainnet

  1. Well done! Your article is a great read, and I appreciate the depth of the information. Including more visuals would be a welcome addition for readers like me who value a visually enriched experience.

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