Illuvium: Beyond to launch on March 07 – CryptoNewsTo

Illuvium: Beyond to launch on March 07

Illuvium: Beyond is scheduled to release on March 07, 2023. The customizable NFT adventure tasks players with the collection of the most powerful Illuvitar NFTs. These are based on the in-game characters with utilities spread across its gaming ecosystem.

The project is backed by a talented team and reputed partners. The team comprises artists who are responsible for delivering Magic the Gathering, Blizzard, and Sega, among many other similar projects. As for partnership, Illuvium: Beyond has received support from Binance, Immutable X, and Chainlink.

All three partners bring to the table a different element, each crucial for the ultimate delivery that commits to having one of the best experiences. Binance comes with Binance Connect to offer to purchase on Illuvidex, while Immutable X brings the guarantee of true ownership in the digital world and gas-free transactions.

Chainlink opens its doors with Chainlink Price Feeds and VRF technology. Price Feeds will help determine the price of sILV2 / ETH, and the VRF technology, on the other hand, will ensure that the process of selecting the winner is completely transparent. The aim is to make Illuvitars the most sought-after NFT collection in the industry.

The two most important features to appear in Illuvium: Beyond is stunning art quality and uniqueness, with 155 different Illuvials as the base layers.

The NFT collection introduces Illuvitars Core to offer unforgettable experiences. It has been carefully crafted, with a lot of attention given to details like calculations, animations, templates, and documentation for 350 pages. A provision for the launch party has been announced as well.

Its basic concept resembles the feed of any other social media platform, with the difference that the users will be able to peek over the latest purchases and creations. This includes Stretch Goals, where the team will share the target that it has achieved following the promise of new features.

Other activities that will appear at the launch party are the minting of a new holo, a user claiming the super rare accessory to the background, and the most powerful Illuvitar, which will keep changing after the collectors begin their bonding journey.

Illuvitars Album makes its debut too. Every collector’s dream, the album looks to offer a competitive, interactive, and responsive feel to all individuals. The entire project is in the beta phase and is based on the Ethereum blockchain. All NFT enthusiasts can keep an eye on the Illuviam review to get all the needed information about the Illuvium ILV Token.

The digital world of Illuvium has mysterious creatures called Illuvial who must be captured to be made part of the collection. Every NFT character in the adventure game has its own weakness, which has to be exploited to win the battle.

Some of the game items that are up for grabs include armor, weapons, shards, and imbues, to mention a few. March 07, 2023, is the date that needs to be locked by the community as a reminder of the launch of something amazing.

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