UK court drops contempt proceedings against Craig Wright – CryptoNewsTo

UK court drops contempt proceedings against Craig Wright

The English High Court has abandoned the contempt proceedings it launched against Dr. Craig Wright, according to the Independent.

Justice Warby, in delivering the court’s conclusion, said that pursuing the case would not be in the public interest, in part due to the court being ill-equipped to handle contempt cases where the underlying facts were in dispute. Dr. Wright’s position entering proceedings was that his posts were not in reference to any particular judgment and it was not his intention to breach the embargo.

The proceedings were originally brought in relation to the judgment handed down in Dr. Wright’s successful libel claim against blogger Peter McCormack. Dr. Wright won that case, and a draft judgment was provided to Dr. Wright’s lawyers under strict embargo. The court grew concerned over posts in a private chat group Dr. Wright made and emails sent which they alleged may have referenced the judgment, which would have been a breach of the embargo. Such a breach may amount to a contempt of court.

The focus in Wright v McCormack now turns back to the matter of costs. After the court found that Dr. Wright had proven that McCormack had caused serious harm to his reputation in the U.K., it ordered McCormack to pay Dr. Wright’s full legal costs which are set to run up over £1 million.

Check out CoinGeek’s special reports on Wright v McCormack.

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