How BSV blockchain is integrated into IPv6 roadmap: Latif Ladid explains – CryptoNewsTo

How BSV blockchain is integrated into IPv6 roadmap: Latif Ladid explains

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IPv6 is one of the hottest topics—if not the hottest—in today’s internet era. The shift to having unique IP addresses becomes an interest of many thought leaders in the technology space, and among those pioneering the transition is IPv6 Forum President Latif Ladid.

On the sidelines of the IEEE International Conference on the Internet of Things and Intelligence Systems in Bali, Ladid shares with CoinGeek Backstage Reporter Claire Celdran his plans for the future of the new internet iteration that integrates blockchain tech—particularly BSV blockchain.

Why choose Bali, Indonesia to host the IEEE event? For the IPv6 Forum’s president, hosting the conference in Indonesia means kicking off two things: Introducing IPv6 and BSV in the country.

“They [Indonesians] are a bit behind 5G…That’s the purpose of organizing this to be at the right juncture between the decision of the government to move to IPv6 now as well as introduce blockchain through this event,” Ladid explained.

Apart from Ladid, more leaders in the blockchain and IPv6 space attended the conference to talk about some innovations in the space. This includes the IPv6 counsel for Indonesia and their Chairman from the Telecom University—the leading ISP in the Southeast Asian country—also with them is Bitcoin creator and IPv6 enthusiast himself, Dr. Craig Wright.

As for their future plans for IPv6 in Indonesia, Ladid revealed that they have a roadmap in line and would directly work with the IPv6 Counsel of Indonesia to define various tools and business cases for the country.

“We have the training tools as well as basically a copy [of the plans we did with] the different countries where we have very good and well-functioning IPv6 council,” he said.

Sharing the timeline envisioned by Dr. Craig Wright, Ladid said that their advancement toward IPv6 and blockchain in Indonesia could be expected to happen in ten years because they are doing it in one blockchain.

“It’s like starting getting new Internet to be done on top of this. So it would be some countries are going to be faster than the other ones, but I would expect Asia to be the number one to pick up this thing; we see that as of case now in India,” the IPV6 Forum president shared.

When asked why they chose BSV blockchain as the building blocks for their plans in Indonesia, Ladid said: “Well, obviously, it’s the only one that’s not doing crypto, so it’s doing just normal digital payments.”

Ladid also explained that BSV blockchain is a strong innovator because it’s law-compliant apart from it being secure and encrypted. As for the roadblocks in the BSV blockchain and IPv6 integration, Ladid mentioned that the first problem is with education because of the complex algorithm of the tech. However, they already figured out a solution to this by creating an IPv6 Forum training program with BSV Academy.

“We get the two to start [a] training program that we get all of what we have as ATP or authorized training partners to also pick up this new program, ‘How to combine IPv6 with BSV,’ and the same thing will happen also at the BSV Academy so that we have two poles. One talks to the general public in the blockchain and we talk to the IPv6 one,” he explained.

In closing, Ladid reminded the viewers to watch out for more IEEE forums and expect the whole world to move to IPv6—revealing that 80% of the U.S. government has now moved to the latest internet protocol.

“We call it the sunsetting of IPv4, which is divorcing IPv4 from the Internet,” he noted. “The prime design with IPv6 was not to integrate IPv4 inside so that we have a clean slate approach so that at the end we will not be depending all the time with IPv4. So we’ll take out IPv4 in the future. That’s really a very important objective.[And] we have to do the same thing with BSV as well as a parallel application business case.”

Watch: Latif Ladid’s keynote speech on IoT and Blockchain

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